Wednesday, May 28, 2008

oh to be a Zuster!

Goede dag mijn liefling familie!

So after today I have one more p-day left at the MTC.... gek! (crazy!) But life is good and I'm enjoying my time here (really!). The most exciting thing happening lately is our new district of ten Dutchies! They arrived last Wednesday night. It is so weird seeing such a large group (I do not envy their close quarters in class, especially when it comes to the gastrointestinal processes of MTC food...) and I'm really grateful I was a solo with only three elders. But they're great! Some are such nice churchy mormony boys - others are total class clown types. It's quite the spectrum. I will say I don't like awkward flirty elders. On Wednesday night we were giving them the grand tour of the MTC and one of them made some jokingly condescending comment and patted me on the shoulder - much to the audible shock and appallment of his district. "You can't touch a sister!" It was hilarious - but I'm glad they called him out on it. Anyway, it's just funny because I know I would not merit this kind of attention were the ratio not so crazy imbalanced, but they seem to have all adjusted to the MTC now and treat me like just another missionary for the most part, so it's all good. It's just so funny seeing how elders are. There's such a wide range of awesome attributes and traits. Two elders brought their Dutch scriptures to their first gym period so they could practice reading out loud while on the bike machines. Hilarious - but laudable in its own way. =)
I think the most frustrating part of my time here is our role-play investigator Peter, as played by our teacher Brother Bradley. We don't exactly do well, and I know if this were real life there's no way we would get return appointments, but Elder Helton and I are making progress teaching in unity which is wonderful. I really enjoy comp study with him - he's just a super sincere, funny, good elder. He has taken to laughing at me lately because apparently I am "such a sister" - I guess I apologize too much for things that aren't my fault and try too hard to be nice. But it's good for me to be called out on that, I guess. Also Thursday night our companionship inventory turned into a district inventory (since with the Two Danes there's 6 of us total) and Elder DeMass said some really nice things. "I don't know if you think this way, but I really miss teaching with you! It was just really cool how we worked together!" After a frustrating teaching appointment with Peter / Brother Bradley, it was really nice to hear. My district says they have a lot of respect for Sister Missionaries, so I'm glad I've been a good influence at least in that way.
Sister C's doing better and better all the time. Dad, I'm taking your advice and trying hard to remember I can't fix people ever - all I can do is help. The trick with her is just listening and letting her talk through it. And it's been delightful to realize she's ready and willing to do the same when I feel like I have no ability to teach people and can't say anything subtly or well thought out in Dutch. It really is good we're companions.
Sunday night I got to meet up with Beth, my friend from Study Abroad who's going to Philadelphia Spanish speaking, and we watched The Testaments together. There's nothing like an auditorium full of 19 year olds [who've sworn off everything but handshakes for the next two years] watching fictitious Nephites kiss onscreen. The tension is hilarious. Anyway, Beth is really not happy being a solo sister - I'm super thankful I have ridiculously awesome district elders who treat me well and don't mind working with a sister. I'm also realizing being mellow is an exceptionally useful trait when working with other people. Though I'll admit laziness (what? You want me to get mad over that? too much effort!) is a huge part of that particular personality trait.
On Monday we got to teach a Belgian convert in the TRC, so that was fun. Vlams (flemmish) is insane but so pretty! His name was David and he was taught by Broeder Bradley and a ton of other elders as well, so he came to Utah for a couple weeks to see people and America and all that jazz. He was super nice, but there are no sisters in his area so I'll never see him again. It's always fun (and humbling and terrifying) to teach native speakers of Dutch.
Also, Sister Gill flew out Monday for Sweden ! I honestly do miss her. I always hoped we'd become friends but it was a wonderful surprise when it actually happened (even if it was a friendship out of necessity and a common problem) - I really am surrounded by ridiculously cool people here. Good times. She'll be great and enjoy her mission, I'm sure. It was cool learning so much from how different we were from each other.
So I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but there's a reality show-esque miniseries they show missionaries their first week in the MTC called "The District." Basically it shows real missionaries in Texas doing their thing - committing, teaching, contacting, baptising, all that jazz. I think they're trying to make a new called to serve video, because yesterday at gym time a camera man and one of the sister missionaries from the District (she teaches here at the MTC) were walking around the missionary field filming soccer and baseball and all that jazz. There were some elders playing kickball, and since that's the closest to soccer I can get (No co-ed soccer at the MTC.... =( ) I joined them. The film crew came over right as I was up to kick, so that was pretty funny. I represented well and made it to first base, but hopefully that footage won't be used in any subsequent Called To Serve Videos. =) We'll see, I guess.
Another cool thing yesterday was Anne M Dibbs speaking at the Tuesday Devo. She's the second counselor in the YW General presidency and PResident Monson's daughter. She basically gave a huge tribute to her dad as prophet, but it really was good because it gave us a chance to hear some interesting about him (as opposed to all the stories told by him... =) ). The best by far was something that happened after last conference, when he had a few extra minutes to fill in Priesthood (I think) and made some disparaging comments about redheaded boys. She showed a hilarious photo a 14 year old from Idaho had sent Pres. Monson a few days afterwards: his standard GA photo, but with bright red hair photoshopped in. It was so funny! Apparently he caught the joke and loved showing the photo to anyone who came in his office. Good times.
Well, I'm happy. =) I kind of want to panic when I think about flying to the Netherlands - I know I won't understand people all that well (or at all) and the first few weeks will just be a blur of madness. But it's all good - part of the learning experience, right? =) Man, family, I love you all. It's kind of surreal thinking you were all in Ogden and Northern Utah on Saturday, but it's all good - I know we will be together for eternity, thanks to temples and the gospel. It's so good and so real. Thanks for all your examples and letters. I love you all so much and pray for you. Have a geweldig week!


Zuster Christa Baxter